
Showing posts from September, 2017

Blog #3

The ISTE standard I feel most comfortable with teaching is the SL.5 standard, “Use Digital Media.” I feel so comfortable with this standard because it is the basics. It is teaching kids to do simple technological things like add images and media, creating audio recordings, add sounds, etc. However, the overall purpose of this standard is to strategically use this media so the standard also gets more in depth with things like using media in presentations to help emphasize the point you are trying to display. I feel very comfortable with teaching this because I am very comfortable doing it myself. On standard I don’t feel confident teaching is L.5 “Vocabulary: Use Context Clues.” To be honest, I am not familiar with most of the tasks that fall in this standard, such as tracing the etymology of words and adding reference materials, so I am excited to learn and figure it out. I think it is very important for me to understand this concept first, before I can teach it to students. In m

Blog #2

In my classrooms in the past I have used Microsoft Word in a very traditional way. I used it as a source to write papers. I would use the tools like spell check, word counter, and the different formatting options Word offers to assist me while writing the papers. I also would use Word to make flyers and such for school events and projects. I am comfortable using Word, however, in high school my teachers had us stray away from Microsoft Word and transition to Google docs. I think they encouraged us to use this because it was easier for collaboration purposes because multiple people can be on the doc at once. When the teachers did use Microsoft they would use it to for purposes such as creating their worksheets and writing their notes for our class. I am sure they used the same tools we did, like spell check, formatting, etc. Their uses of Word was used mostly for preparation for their classes and creating lessons to give students to help us learn. My experience with copyright knowledg

Blog #1

Both teachers and students are influenced to use technology in the classroom for different reasons. We live in a world today where it is very hard to be successful without having a basic understanding of modern technologies. Most professions require some level of technological work and some even fully rely on technology. So, teachers today are influenced to use technology in their classrooms to provide their students with the knowledge they will need to be successful in the future. Another reason teachers frequently chose to use technology in their respective classrooms is because they can. The US Department of Education (DOE) has awarded billions of dollars to states for education technology. So, because so many teachers have access to technology because of government funding, why wouldn't they use the equipment provided to make it easier to teach? Teachers also use technology for administrative, presentation, lesson preparation, communications, and teaching purposes. The administ