Blog #3
The ISTE standard I feel most comfortable with teaching is the SL.5 standard, “Use Digital Media.” I feel so comfortable with this standard because it is the basics. It is teaching kids to do simple technological things like add images and media, creating audio recordings, add sounds, etc. However, the overall purpose of this standard is to strategically use this media so the standard also gets more in depth with things like using media in presentations to help emphasize the point you are trying to display. I feel very comfortable with teaching this because I am very comfortable doing it myself. On standard I don’t feel confident teaching is L.5 “Vocabulary: Use Context Clues.” To be honest, I am not familiar with most of the tasks that fall in this standard, such as tracing the etymology of words and adding reference materials, so I am excited to learn and figure it out. I think it is very important for me to understand this concept first, before I can teach it to students. In m...