Blog #1

Both teachers and students are influenced to use technology in the classroom for different reasons. We live in a world today where it is very hard to be successful without having a basic understanding of modern technologies. Most professions require some level of technological work and some even fully rely on technology. So, teachers today are influenced to use technology in their classrooms to provide their students with the knowledge they will need to be successful in the future. Another reason teachers frequently chose to use technology in their respective classrooms is because they can. The US Department of Education (DOE) has awarded billions of dollars to states for education technology. So, because so many teachers have access to technology because of government funding, why wouldn't they use the equipment provided to make it easier to teach? Teachers also use technology for administrative, presentation, lesson preparation, communications, and teaching purposes. The administrators can assist and support teachers in tasks. For example, they can use application software suite, classroom management software, and grading software. Teachers are influenced to use technology to create presentations. There are many different ways teachers can technologically present new information to their classes. For example, they can use Prezi, PowerPoint, google slides, etc. Teachers can also use technology in classrooms for communication purposes. Teachers can have students collaborate and work together through sources like different social medias, email chains, and online discussions. Teachers also use technology to enhance classroom teaching, by making practices, quizzes, and surveys online. Teachers are influenced to use technology in the classroom because it helps them better their classrooms.

Most students enjoy using technology in their classrooms because it entertains them. They would rather be playing a kahoot or doing an interactive learning activity on their iPads or computers, then hearing someone talk for hours on end. Luckily, kids using technology is amazing for developing the learning skills they need to succeed in higher education levels and eventually to their respective workforce. Students using technology in the classroom typically helps students develop higher-order thinking skills. Technology can offer an interesting solution to fostering critical thinking in the classroom. To think critically, a student must not only hear something, they must be engaged in it. Therefore, technology allows for students to be more apt to understanding the material being presented to them. Technology is also a great way for students to communicate their thoughts and ideas. Many students love using things like twitter, video chatting, blogs, etc. to share their ideas with the class. Students not only enjoy using technology in the classroom, but it benefits them develop skills that they need to flourish as a learner.

Within the student set of ISTE standards, there are 6 main things that students should have as a skill set. The first one is creativity and innovation. Within this category, students schooled demonstrate creative thinking, construct knowledge, and develop innovative products using technology. Basically, this is stating that students should be able to take a problem and create a creative solution to said problem. The next standard is communication and elaboration. This category basically states that students should be able to use digital media to communicate and share their ideas with other students. The next is research and information fluency. This standard says that students should be able to use digital tools to gather information and then evaluate and use the information. Next is critical thinking, problem solving, and decision making. This standard says that students should use their critical thinking skills to research and make informed decisions based via technology. The fifth standard is digital citizenship which means students understand diversity within technology and practice ethical behavior. The final student standard is technology operations and concepts which blatantly states that students need to understand the way technology works. All of these standards are very important to have as a student learning technology because if you lack these standards you won't be able to excel in ways of learning through technology. One standard that is meaningful to me is creativity and innovation. One of my favorite things is solving problems in a way no one else would think to. I also think it is very important for students to think outside the box. If you do something the same way as everyone else how are you suppose to stand out to the teacher, especially in college classes of 200 plus kids? One standard I am not 100% comfortable with is critical thinking, problem solving and decision making. I am not the best at making decisions and I don't really like them much. I always second guess myself and don't stick with my gut answer.

Within the teacher set of ISTE standards, there are 5 main standards. The first is facilitating and inspiring student learning and creativity. This is basically stating that teachers use all of their knowledge on a given subject to assist students to inspire them to collaborate and come up with new ideas. The next standard is to design and develop digital age learning experiences and assessments. This is for teachers to use the technology they have access to quiz them on the content they are suppose to know. The next is modern age digital work and learning. In this day and age there is so much technology at the hand of teachers. Teachers have so many options of sources to teach kids information that it is essential for them to use these sources. Kids learn by doing, so introducing them to these sources will help them master them. The next standard is to promote modern digital citizenship and responsibility. It is teachers responsibility to use teach students that although the internet is an excellent way to get information, it is essential for students to not steal work from internet authors. Basically, to teach students to use the same integrity online that they would use in the classroom. The final standard is to engage in professional growth and citizenship. This standard is in place to encourage teachers to work together in their community to make it flourish. Out of these standards, the one I feel most comfortable with is the last standard about working together. I am a very extroverted person and I love collaborating with other people to make my work better and hopefully help them out too. The standard I feel least comfortable with is to design and develop digital age learning experiences and assessments. I am not 100% confident in creating these type of technologies, so hopefully this class preps me to be ready to preform the standard once put in the classroom setting.

A digital native is a person who grew up surrounded by technology and is therefore very familiar with the uses of technology at a young age. I do agree with the label of digital natives for today's youth because, these days technology is everywhere and is a basic part of our youth's lives. If you look around at restaurants or other public places, all you see is parents trying to entertain there kids by putting tablets in their hands. Kids are very familiar with the functions of these tablets and know how to play multiple games on them. In the elementary schools in Connecticut, every kid has an IPad to assist them in learning activities, so our youth is just as knowledgeable with technology as I am as an 18 year old. There are defiantly differences between digital natives and digital immigrants. Even in some classes I have been in, students have had to assist teachers with the functions of their technology because teachers aren't 100% comfortable with it. I have also observed that digital natives are faster with technology than digital immigrants. In my years of school, it sometimes took teachers a long time to set up their technology and fix it when there is a problem. I think that when the youth grows up and becomes teachers they will take significantly less time to set up and fix their technology because they are so comfortable with it and have been learning it their whole life. I also anticipate that our youth will use technology more in the classroom then digital immigrants. Sometimes, teachers I have had choose not to use technology in the classroom because they don't know how to use it. Obviously that would not be a problem with digital natives. It will be very interesting to see how technology evolves in the classroom when the digital natives grow up.
learning experiences and assessments


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