
Showing posts from November, 2017

Independent Learning Project 2 This is a Prezi for kindergarten students learning the alphabet. There is a slide for all 26 letters in the alphabet and some examples for things that start with each respective letter.

Blog #10

I will use the data collection tools quite frequently when I become a teacher. It will good to use especially as an elementary teacher to get information on what the student's understand and don't so I can know what areas I need to focus more on teaching. Also, it will be helpful to use in the elementary level for surveying kids on what they are interested in, because when a student is interested in something they are more inclined to pay attention and understand a lesson. Therefore, if I could incorporate what my students are interested in in my lessons I will help them retain more information.  One topic I found most interesting about reading my classmates blogs was the way the type of technologies they used in high school and how much it differed from mine. In my school, we had all kinds of technology sources, but in the blogs I read of some of my classmates, I noticed they didn't use as much. Another thing I found interesting about reading their blogs was they way

Blog #9

The idea of a flipped classroom, is that it is the flipped idea of what a typical classroom is like. Typically, the teachers lecture and the students ocasionally discuss in the classroom. Then, the students go home and do their assigned homework on the topic they have studied. In a flipped classroom, the students are expected to watch lectures online, on their own time before coming into class. In the actual classroom time, the students further their learning of the concepts they are already learned for homework. These activities can include discussions, worksheets, labs, etc. One link that I found that I actually used in my AP Biology class was bozeman science. In Bozeman's videos, he deeply explains different advanced science topics through diagrams and drawings. Open content is when a company or business who maintains a license to a set of information shares their information to the public free of charge, typically through digital me