Blog #5

I believe that Web 2.0 technologies can be very useful in the classroom. A lot of my teachers in K-12 used blog-like activities in our classrooms. They used these to track our progress from the beginning of the year until end and keep us engaged weekly. Teachers also commonly used youtube, Vimeo, and other video websites to virtually support what they are teaching in their classrooms. While being in this class I have learned a lot about Web 2.0 technologies I can use in my classroom when I become a teacher. For example, Twitter is a really good way to start class discussions and let students share their thoughts on a daily basis. All of these Web 2.0 technologies are so beneficial in the classroom that it would be wasteful if they weren't used.

Skype is a Web 2.0 tool I can use in my classroom. Skype is a good way to interact directly with people all around the country. I remember when I was in elementary school, my teachers would set up Skype phone calls with different people who couldn't physically come to the classroom to talk whether it be a health reason or geographical reason. In elementary schools we teach a lot about culture and it would be really interesting to actually let students talk to someone living in the culture they are learning about. For example, if a student is learning about the Spanish art of bullfighting, the Spanish language, and Spanish holidays, skyping a person that lives in Spain would be very beneficial to the students. They can ask these people questions and the kids would be very interested by it.

I think that gamification has the biggest potential for students in the future especially within younger range kids. It is very difficult to get a kid to learn something, especially at a young age. However, if you get a kid to learn things in a fun way, they will be way more open to it. This idea is exactly what gamification is doing. The idea of making learning into a game is the perfect way to get elementary school students to learn what you want them to.


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