Blog #6

If parents go on the main page of Hopewell Elementary Schools website, they can access all kinds of information. One part that I think would be especially informative to parents is the school schedule. All sorts of PTO meetings, school pictures, book fairs, etc. This is a good thing for parents to have electronically because if you give kids the information, it sometimes doesn't make it to the parents. The main page also has all of the school's contact information and hours. If parents go beyond the home page, they can click on staff directory and then find their child's teacher to get specific class information. Let's say my kid was in Mrs. Drury's 4th grade class for example. When you click on her specific information you can see when her class has specials on specific days. She also has tabs for what students learned each month. For example, if I click on "December news" on her website I can see that her students learned how to do area and perimeter in Math that month. This can be helpful for a parent who wants to check up on what their child is learning without going through the hassle of a student teacher conference.

I plan to use technology frequently to accomplish my profession responsibilities more effectively and efficiently. I will use the basic technologies such as all of the Microsoft tools-word, excel, powerpoint, etc. I am so familiar with these tools that using them in my classroom will help me easily present information and make worksheets and tests. I am also very familiar with the google softwares-classroom, docs, sheets. I will most likely bounce back and forth between the two of these softwares. However, I did notice in high school my teachers leaned towards google softwares because google classroom makes it very easy to turn documents in and google docs allowed more than one person to work on an activity at a time. I will try to incorporate as much technology into my classroom as possible, because we live in a world today that runs on technology. Having students get used to all different types of technology is the only way they will thrive later on in life.

Last week we went to the sandbox and it was a very interesting experience. All of the technologies there are very innovative and kids would love to use them. Unfortunately, they may be too expensive for some teachers or school districts, but if every school could have even some of them it would defiantly help stimulate learning. If I could have access to any of them I think I would choose the virtual reality. With kids, especially really young kids, it can be difficult to get them to focus or learn anything. Also, they get really intrigued easily so they would have so much fun using this device. It would make it a lot easier to teach the kids because they would all want to be the ones doing the virtual reality. The virtual reality could virtually take students all around the world. I could use this tool as a great way to teach culture. Another tool I thought would be very useful was the smart board. As a teacher, the way you present is crucial to your students retaining the information. The smart board had all types of tools that would be helpful in the classroom. For example, the touch effects would make it easier to teach math because it is hard to type math equations and shapes. Also, smart board has a bunch of interactive games that elementary schools kids would be thrilled to play. Elementary school aged kids learn best from game-like situations so smart board will perfectly satisfy their learning needs.


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